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(403) 253 1029

Premises Liability Lawyer



Navigating Unforeseen Harm: Grover Law Fights for Premises Liability Claims

Have you ever been injured on someone else’s property due to their negligence? Perhaps you slipped and fell on a wet floor at a grocery store, or maybe a broken staircase at an apartment building resulted in a serious injury. If so, you may have a premises liability claim.

Grover Law Firm understands the complexities of premises liability law. Our dedicated team of lawyers, serving communities in Calgary, Edmonton, Yellowknife, and Okotoks, is here to help you understand your rights and fight for the compensation you deserve after an accident on someone else’s property.

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    $1.2 million

    Motor Vehicle Accident

    $1.1 million

    Car Accident


    Trucking Crash


    Motorcycle Crash


    Car Accident


    Motorcycle Crash


    Motorcycle Accident

    The Process

    STEP 1


    STEP 2


    STEP 3


    Understanding Premises Liability
    • Premises liability refers to the legal responsibility of a property owner or occupier to maintain a safe environment for visitors. This includes:

      • Maintaining the property in a reasonably safe condition
      • Warning visitors of potential hazards
      • Taking steps to prevent foreseeable accidents
    Common Examples of Premises Liability Claims

    Premises liability claims can arise from various situations, including:

    • Slip and fall accidents: Wet floors, uneven surfaces, and inadequate lighting can all lead to slip and fall accidents.
    • Staircase and railing defects: Broken stairs, missing handrails, or poorly lit staircases can cause serious injuries.
    • Negligent security: Inadequate security measures can increase the risk of assaults or robberies on a property.
    • Swimming pool accidents: Faulty pool equipment, lack of supervision, or improper maintenance of pool areas can lead to drownings or other injuries.
    Why Choose Grover Law Firm?

    Grover Law Firm offers several advantages for your premises liability claim:

    • Free Consultation: Discuss your case with a dedicated lawyer to understand your legal options.
    • Compassionate Representation: We understand the physical and emotional challenges you face after an accident.
    • Proven Track Record: Our lawyers have a history of success in securing compensation for premises liability claims.
    • No Upfront Fees: You won’t pay any legal fees unless we recover compensation for you.
    Taking Action After a Premises Liability Accident

    Here’s what you can do to protect your rights after a premises liability accident:

    • Seek medical attention: Your health is the top priority. Get a medical evaluation to document your injuries.
    • Report the accident: Report the accident to the property owner or manager and document the details.
    • Gather evidence: If possible, take pictures of the accident scene and any hazards that contributed to your injury.
    • Contact a premises liability lawyer: An experienced lawyer can guide you through the legal process and fight for the compensation you deserve.
    Don’t Let the Burden Fall on You

    Premises liability accidents can cause significant physical, emotional, and financial hardship. Grover Law Firm is committed to standing beside victims and holding negligent property owners accountable.

    Contact us today to schedule a free consultation and discuss your legal options. Our team in Calgary, Edmonton, Yellowknife, or Okotoks is here to fight for your rights.

    If you or someone you love has been injured in an accident, Contact us today.

    (403) 253 1029

    24 hours a day, 7 days a week

    Case Results

    • I suffered a brain injury and other serious injuries when the car I was driving was struck by a semi-truck. In addition to my physical injuries I experienced psychological injuries and was wholly unable to do my job or live my life daily. The insurance company offered me $6,500.00 to settle my claim. Steve had my back and brought my case to mediation where he obtained $850,000.00 in compensation one month short of trial. Steve has the trucking expertise to understand the process and was available to me throughout the process. Would absolutely recommend Grover Law Firm to anyone that has been injured in a serious trucking crash.

      Insurance offered


      What we got


    • The client suffered chronic pain from a car crash. The other insurance company initially offered $75,000.00 and Grover Law Firm settled this client’s claim for $478,929.77 at mediation.

      Insurance offered


      What we got


    • Our client was injured in a hit-and-run motorcycle/motor vehicle crash. As a result, she suffered from chronic pain and has been unable to return to work due to her physical impairments. Our office commenced a claim against the Motor Vehicle Accident Claims Fund, and we were able to obtain a settlement for the statutory maximum amount – $200,000 plus costs and disbursements – for a total settlement of $221,142.77.

      Insurance offered


      What we got


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